Anita Pollack

Anita Pollack

Wreckers or Builders?

"Wreckers or Builders?"


The scene

This second electoral period proved to be one of Labour’s most publicly and privately divisive times, with bitter in-fights and four changes of European Leader in five years that destined the British Labour Group to punch below its weight. The miner’s strike dominated the early period with demonstrations in and out of the Chamber. One Labour MEP died and a further three became MPs. Budgetary battles began to die down. Struggles against Thatcherism continued, and campaigns against racism and fascism were waged. Jacques Delors spoke to the TUC. More Labour MEPs changed their mind on the EEC. Labour lost another General Election, the first under Neil Kinnock’s leadership. The Single European Act came into force in 1987. Barbara Castle retired 1989.